Battlestar Galactica Review

Battlestar Galactica
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This game will frustrate you unless you read the manual.
Once you read the manual you will be able to take advantage of 2 crucial things: multi-target homing missiles; and identifying primary objective targets. Without the latter you will get NOWHERE in the game.
- Fans will appreciate the art work that can be unlocked in the game- including Ralph Mc Quarrie paintings.
- You get to check-off one of your childhood todos- ie fly a Viper. You get to fly from within the cockpit of the viper as well as cylon marauder. If you press and hold the Y button while in this view, your viewpoint turns slightly as if you are turning your head- so you can see to the left and right of your cockit.
- Cutscenes are pretty cool - but unfornately are very grainy.
- Game is more enjoyable when you have read the manual and are better able to control the Viper's systems.
- Your weapons automatically aim at a target to a limited degree- this gives it the same feel as in the original series. I think more space-sims should do this.
- Sound effects of laser cannons and turbo are from the original series.
- Game soundtrack is an updated version of the score from the original series.
- The game is hard and there are no cheats. You have to do things pretty quickly or you will miss your opportunity.
- Expect to have to sit thru the first mission at least twice to get through it. First time to get used to the controls. Second time to fully grok the controls from what you've read in the manual. And maybe one more time to really win the mission.
- Game sequences between saves are long so if you die you have to start all over.
- Cutscenes are grainy.
This game is not worth paying full price, but now that it has hit the bargain bins, I think it is well worth it. Come on, you get to finally check off that "fly a viper" item in your geek-childhood-todo-list. You know the one I'm talking about, the one right below: "Fly down the trench and destroy the Death Star"

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Battlestar Galactica is a wild space combatgame set in the universe of the cult sci-fi show! Set 40 years before the events of the show

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