Star Wars Demolition Review

Star Wars Demolition
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Lucas Arts is great at providing the atmosphere of the Star Wars movies in all of their games, and Star Wars Demolition is no exception. Unfortunately, atmosphere doesn't sell games, gameplay does, and Star Wars Demolotion is lacking badly in that department.
Graphically, this game is quite similar to Vigilante 8, with the exception that the levels that you can compete on are on Tatooine, the Death Star II, Hoth, Etc Etc. There are many vehicles to choose from including the Land Speeder, Snow Speeder, Boba Fett's Jet Pack, an AT AT and a few others.
The atmosphere is great, the opening credits are cool, there is plenty for the Star Wars fan to love. However the problem here is that this game is unusally hard. After playing Battle mode for 3 consecutive hours, I lost every battle I fought but one. Some characters you fight against seem more mobile and harder to kill than others. This would be ok, but it often seems like you are being teamed up on by mulitple enemies at once. The limitations of the vehicles makes it impossible to overcome the fights where you are outnumbered. This makes victory impossible for a single player.
Where some players might find this game favorable would be in the two player mode, where you can fight against each other on the different terrains, with any of the various vehichles. This portion of the game is pretty cool.
Overall the graphics are adequate, although there is lots of popup. The music caters to the Star Wars atmosphere and is good. The gameplay suffers from a high level of difficulty.
As a diehard Star Wars fan, I can not recommend this game. Rent this one first if you feel like you must own it.

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A vehicular combat game set "a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away,"Star Wars Demolition is yet another embarrassingly mediocre title basedon the premier science fiction movie series. A mishmash of elements from thevarious Star Wars films, the laughably implausible premise here allowsfor disparate combatants (Boba Fett, a piloted podracer, and a Rancor, to name afew) to fight in arenas that range from inappropriate (e.g., the swampy Dagobah)to impossible (e.g., the surface of the Death Star II).
It's a shame that the gameplay in Star Wars Demolition isn't evenremotely as imaginative as its "what if?" fanboy scenario, as all you've gothere is an uninspired regurgitation of similar games (like Vigilante 8),with clunky controls tossed in for bad measure.
Whatever amusement one can find in Star Wars Demolition wears thin reallyfast, making this disc one really expensive Star Wars-themed drinkcoaster. --Joe Hon
3-D graphics and sound are, for the most part, faithful to the movie series
Laughably implausible premise
Uninspired gameplay with clunky controls
Amusement wears thin really fast

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