Star Wars Episode I: Jedi Power Battles Review

Star Wars Episode I: Jedi Power Battles
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Star Wars: Jedi Power Battles, an action title based on the Episode 1 movie, may not live up to the greatness that you may expect from LucasArts, but it certainly offers the best lightsaber combat of any Star Wars console title (perhaps even greater than the hit PC game Jedi Knight). Jedi Power Battles is devoted to Jedi and lightsabers, and the creators did a commendable job of creating a fighting system centered around Force powers and sword combat. Jedi Power Battles' graphics are below that of many current PSX games, but certainly adequate; the great droid and Jedi animations help redeem the visual effects. The Graphics rate a 6/10. The gameplay is by far JPB's strongest aspect (this is what really counts, isn't it? ). You get a choice of five different Jedi warriors (plus a few extra characters including the mysterious Darth Maul) who all require alternate strategies to use them successfully. All the Jedi and unlockable characters possess different Force powers, combos, special items, and abilities, making the game's replay value virtually limitless. In addition, the Dual Shock controller vibrates every time you take damage, telling you when your block timing is off. But perhaps the best feature of JPB and new to the Star Wars gaming world, is the Jedi co-op mode in which you can battle alongside a friend, and progress through the levels, to beat the game together. The Gameplay rates a 9/10. The difficulty level is where this game falters. The difficulty settings on this game are "Jedi" and "Easy", but sadly there is little difference between them. Some reviewers complain that the controls are overly hard to use, but I found that they are simple and intuitive, and can be mastered with practice. The learning curve is about an hour, but once you've mastered the basics you'll find yourself spinning to thrust your saber through the chest of a battle droid, reflecting a deadly laser bolt back to its owner, diving around a third droid to unleash a devastating combo into his undefended back, then hurling your Jedi weapon toward another approaching enemy, all in the space of a few heart beats. While the combat becomes second nature and can leave your fingers twitching and reacting to imaginary battles long after you've set the controller down, the platform-style jumping is rarely conquered and definitely the game's greatest drawback. Due to poor background shading and a virtual lack of depth perception, it is VERY difficult to perform all those impossible leaps over bottomless chasms. More often than not you'll find yourself staring at the screen in disbelief after what you thought was an accurate hop, but turned out to be twice as far as the situation called for, resulting in your instant demise. These jumping areas are the most aggravating and exasperating aspects of the game and may discourage some players. Patience is necessary at first, and I suggest you purchase the Prima strategy guide. It provides helpful melee tips that greatly enhance your gaming experience, facts about the various enemies, and strategies and combos for all the Jedi and hidden characters. This game's difficulty is medium/hard.Finally, the game's "atmosphere", which is described as the feel of the game: the sounds, music, lighting, and level design. The sound is high quality and straight from the movie, setting that wonderful Star Wars mood. The same may be said about the music, which is rich and varied. The lighting is average and the level design is engaging and diverse (though a tad too restrictive in areas). The atmosphere rates an 8/10. Over all, Star Wars: Jedi Power Battles is an absolute MUST for any Star Wars fan. The completely lightsaber and Force based combat is what every Star Wars lover has been waiting for since the opening of "A New Hope" in 1979. This game is less about reliving the movie than it is about slicing things in half with a lightsaber, and lets the player know what it is like to fight like a Jedi, think like a be a Jedi.

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Take back the Theed Royal Palace in this fast and furious lightsaberaction game. You will have the power of the Force and your trusty Jedi saber tohelp you ward off legions of battle droids, destroyer droids, assassins, andother creatures from the Star Wars: Episode I worlds. Your connection tothe Force grows with each battle, which adds much-needed power boosts, newmoves, and enhanced Jedi abilities for your journeys within the various worlds.Choose to fight as Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon Jinn, or Jedi Council members MaceWindu, Plo Koon, or Adi Gallia.

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