The Last Legion (2007) Review

The Last Legion (2007)
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The Last Legion brings to the screen the fictional attempt by Rome's last emperor, Flavius Romulus Augustus, a.k.a. Romulus Augustulus, to rally the last remaining loyal legion, the Ninth a.k.a. the Dragon Legion, stationed in Britannia, in order to expel the Goths and resume control of the Empire.
The Year is 460 A.D., 65 years since the death of Roman Emperor Theodosius the Great and the subsequent division of the Empire among his sons: the Western Roman Empire left to Honorius, and the Eastern Roman Empire left to Arcadius. Following Odoacer's treachery, his Goths have taken control of Rome forcing the young emperor to flee in search for possible allies for his possible return. His journey will take him to Hadrian's Wall in the far Northwestern part of the crumbling Western Roman Empire.
The major setbacks are in relation to:
1) Romulus Augustulus did not come to power until 475, the year before the collapse of the Western Roman Empire. Why would anybody want to change the date?
2) The Eastern Roman Empire never recognized Orestes, Romulus Augustulus, or Odoacer.
3) The battle/fight scenes could have been much better and much more realistic.
Aside from that, the setting, the acting, the dialogues and the costumes are all wonderful!
The movie relies mostly on a British cast, namely Thomas Sangster, Colin Firth, John Hannah, Ben Kingsley, Alexander Siddig (from Star Trek DS9 and Kingdom of Heaven) and Aishwarya Rai (who is GORGEOUS!). They and the rest of this AMAZING cast have truly outdone themselves with their performances, which are outstanding to say the least! All the actors, without exceptions, give it their 100% and it really shows!
In conclusion, though not a masterpiece, The Last Legion will surely provide for an evening's entertainment. It is a movie definitely worth watching and one to seriously consider adding to your movie collection, especially for those with a soft spot for History and all things Roman. 4.5 Stars

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