Star Trek Fan Collective - Time Travel (1993) Review

Star Trek Fan Collective - Time Travel (1993)
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Star Trek Time Travel Fan Collection is a four-disc boxed set spanning all of the Star Trek series, with the exception of Enterprise, and includes 12 episodes that were selected in an Internet poll compiled by Paramount of favorites then voted on by more than 200,000 fans. It is the second theme boxed set to be released involving the Star Trek franchise, the other is Fan Collection - Borg. While theme sets are not always popular, Paramount may have hit upon winners in these two collections, especially for fans who have been unwilling or unable to purchase the pricey complete season boxed sets of each series.
Disc One includes:
Tomorrow is Yesterday, ST: The Original Series, Season 1. Capt. Kirk and crew are thrown into a time warp that transports the Enterprise into the past. They find themselves orbiting the Earth in the 1960s and are spotted by U.S. radar and labeled a UFO. They end up transporting an Air Force fighter pilot captain aboard then have to figure out how to return him safely and get back to their own time without affecting the past.
The City on the Edge of Forever, ST: The Original Series, Season 1. This episode is considered by many to be one of the best, if not the best, of the entire three-year run of the series. Capt. Kirk and Spock travel back in time to a large Earth city during the Depression through an ancient Time Portal in an attempt to find Dr. McCoy, who has gone mad after accidentally self-injecting a powerful drug. McCoy, who went through the Time Portal first, altered the past erasing all that came afterward. So, there is no Enterprise, no Starfleet, and no way to restore reality unless Kirk and Spock can stop McCoy in "time."
Yesterday's Enterprise, ST: Next Generation, Season 3. The U.S.S. Enterprise-D finds a bizarre rift in space, revealing an unidentified and badly damaged space vessel, which turns out to be the Enterprise-C, believed destroyed 20 years ago. The ship is in an alternate time line in which the Federation is at war with the Klingons. Security Officer Tasha Yar, who was killed in the line of duty in the present day, is alive on the Enterprise-C. Eventually, the Enterprise-C is sent back through the time rift to right events and stop the war. (Includes text commentary by Michael and Denise Okuda.)
Cause and Effect, ST: Next Generation, Season 5. The Enterprise crew are trapped in a time, causality loop and are traveling to their own destruction via a head-on collision with another Star Ship, the U.S.S. Bozeman, also trapped in the same loop. Eventually able to escape without colliding, the crew finds they had relieved the same day for 17 days, while the Bozeman crew had been trapped repeating events for 90 years.
Disc 2:
Time's Arrow Parts I & II, ST: Next Generation, Season 5/6. A cliff-hanging story arc that ended the fifth season and opened the sixth season of the series. The crew are in San Francisco when Data's head, very old and dusty, is discovered along with 19th century artifacts in a cavern. Investigating, they end up being transported to San Francisco in the late 1800's and have to deal with aliens who travel back and forth in time to steal neural energy from humans.
All Good Things, Part I &II, ST: Next Generation, Season 7. The final episodes in the series, Capt. Picard finds himself at the mercy of Q, suddenly traveling unbidden between the past, present and future while trying to prevent the destruction of all of humanity, which he learns he caused.
Disc 3:
Little Green Men, ST: Deep Space Nine, Season 4. Quark and Nog end up traveling to Earth in a shuttle but are caught in a time warp and crash land in July 1947 in Roswell, N.M.! (Includes text commentary Michael and Denise Okuda.)
Trials and Tribble-ations, ST: Deep Space Nine, Season 6. Fantastic episode with incredible special effects that blends footage from the episode The Trouble With Tribbles, from ST: The Original Series, with newly shot footage of the Deep Space Nine crew. The DS crew travels back in time 100 years to Space Station K-7 and The Enterprise to hunt for Arne Darvin who has used a Bajoran Orb of Time to find and try to kill Capt. Kirk. Great scenes of Sisco, Dax, Bashir and O'Brien appearing to interact with the original Enterprise crew.
Year of Hell, Part II & II, ST: Voyager, Season 8/9. Another cliffhanger that spans seasons. Voyager becomes the victim Krenim time weaponry, which continues to alter the present and the memories of the crew while experimenting with establishing its dominance in that region of space.
Disc 4:
Endgame, Parts I & II, ST: Voyager, Season 7. Ending the series, these episodes weave time travel in an emotionally charged story that results in Voyager's eventually triumphant return home, as well as the destruction of the evil Borg Queen.

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The STAR TREK: FAN COLLECTIVE – TIME TRAVEL has the top ten most popular Time Travel episodes as picked by the fans!Join the adventure with all of the characters from Star Trek: The Original Series, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine and Voyager as they are transported back into time, discover mystery ships from the past and take courageous action to change history.

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