Star Wars Vs. Star Trek: The Rivalry Continues Review

Star Wars Vs. Star Trek: The Rivalry Continues
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Whether there is genuinely a rivalry between fans of Star Trek and Star Wars productions or whether they're actually mostly the same people, as I suspect, you won't get much of a sense of it from watching Star Wars vs. Star Trek: The Rivalry Continues.
I'm a fan of Star Trek and will watch anything Paramount offers that is even vaguely related to the Enterprise, Starfleet or Gene Roddenberry's vision of the future universe. I've never seen a Star Wars movie, although I admit to trying to watch one once. For me, there is no rivalry. Star Trek wins hands down. Still, I thought an examination of the perceived rivalry would be entertaining.
While the 50-minute documentary includes some interesting interview snippets and a couple of Star Trek bloopers, there is very little real content. A few fans of the two franchises are interviewed, but producers managed to gather no truly insightful or entertaining comments. The production's key question, "Is there a rivalry between Star Trek and Star Wars fans?", goes mostly unanswered.
The documentary's biggest problems are technical, however. Once viewers get past the stuffy announcer, very poor quality video makes the production look even worse than it really it. The images of Star Trek's original series are blurry bootlegs, while almost all other images are from trailers and press photos. Sloppy editors even show a nice head shot of DeForest Kelley to introduce an interview soundbyte from Star Trek guest actor Michael Forest.
On my DVD player, the documentary starts playing immediately upon inserting the disc. I only learned about the menu and special features later. Short additional interview material is unintentionally humorous, from a confused Carrie Fisher being interviewed in English and Spanish at the same time to an ultimately useless interview (from the late 1970s but strangely in black and white) with an arrogant William Shatner that fades away mid-sentence. Amateur footage from the opening of the Star Trek Experience at the Las Vegas Hilton and some Star Wars fan footage that I didn't bother to watch are also included.
True devotees of either franchise need to see this DVD so they can write humorous and biting blog and message board posts about it. Otherwise, boldly go elsewhere.

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For years, Star Wars fans have squared off against Star Trek fans over which space fantasy is the better choice. As a result, both franchises have been embroiled in a continuing battle for merchandise sales, publicity and box-office receipts. The science-fiction genre has never seen anything like it and, as these fictional universes continue to expand, the competition seems to be never ending. Star Wars vs. Star Trek: The Rivaly Continues compares the space opera worlds of George Lucas and Gene Roddenberry for a one-of-a-kind intergalactic documentary. It traces the origin and development of Star Trek from conception to spin offsand film series. It also takes an in-depth look at Star Wars from its sci-fi influences in the past to its continuing box-office clout. Interviews with such stars as William Shatner, George Lucas. Leonard Nimoy, Anthony Daniels, Billy Dee Williams, Carrie Fisher, James Doohan and many more help to explain the amazing phenomenom. Whether you're a Trekkie or a Jed Knight, this is one show you won't want to miss! Star Wars Premiere/The Star Trek Experience. Collectors' bonus! Enjoy the comprehensive coverage of the 1997 re-release of Star Wars and the opening of the Las Vegas attraction The Star Trek Experience.

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