Star Wars the Clone Wars: Republic Heroes Review

Star Wars the Clone Wars: Republic Heroes
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After playing the Jedi Alliance DS game, I was looking forward to Republic Heroes. This game is a bit of an improvement over the Jedi Alliance game in terms of action and sequencing. There is by far more interaction between the player and the environment, both in terms of planets, buildings, and enemies. The introduction of droids from the Clone Wars series makes the game challenging, as each type requires different strategies and techniques from Jedi and Clones/shooters in order to defeat them. The game sends you back and forth between planets and missions, making the story line more intriguing and captivating than the Jedi Alliance, where you felt you were going through the motions to get to the end of the story line. The improvements to the enemies and the ability to play different characters (both Jedi, Clone, and side characters such as R2-D2, Padme, and Cad Bane) make the game interesting and fun.
This is pretty much where the fun ends. I found the controls to maneuver through the game difficult to understand. It's hard to keep track of where you are and where you've been without scrolling through all of the planets. Once the action has started, the game can go from relatively simple to downright perplexing and frustrating without a moment's notice. For Jedi, it can be difficult to engage an enemy as one has to attack a certain point on the enemy to engage it. The same motion that one uses to attack and enemy is also the same motion one uses to roll the Jedi out of harm's way or jump to a specific part of the screen. Thus, when you want to jump, you may also attack and enemy or roll, both of which can cause problems. The Clones also experience the same problem, instead of jumping or shooting at an enemy, you end up rolling.
In some cases, the Jedi action sequences are not well timed. You have to maneuver through jumps, light saber swing points, and other obstacles. There is barely enough time to get through the motions for some obstacles, and in some cases, a new obstacle will engage without the prior obstacle being completed. In other cases, you may have to wait several seconds for an obstacle to emerge after completing one step, seconds which can count against you at the end of the level.
After the Jedi have accumulated enough hits, they can use the force to attack their enemies. If the force is not activated, the ability to use it is lost. In some cases, the motions needed to use the force are not registered by the touch screen, so you have to waste time and effort to gather up enough hits in order to use the force again. Unlike Jedi Alliance, in Republic Heroes it is often difficult to tell who you are attacking, which is annoying in close in, multiple character fighting sequences.
Player character interaction is better utilized in this game than in the Jedi Alliance game. You have to use both characters in most levels to complete the level. Some of the interactions and puzzles are confusing and not straightforward. Buttons and trigger panels are sometimes obscured or facing in a direction which makes them difficult to see. Sometimes you are not sure how to defeat stage bosses and sometimes you defeat them without even knowing what it is you did or didn't do to defeat them.
The extras are a bit disappointing. After you beat the game once, 2-3 new challenge stages are introduced for each planet. To me, these were more fun than the game. In the extras menu, you can 'purchase' bios on the characters of the Star Wars universe and still shots from the Star Wars Clone Wars movie and series using credits you accumulate through the game. To get access to other planets and data, you have to connect to and get high scores from other players - which means they have to have the game in order for you to get access.
As the title states, this is either a love it or hate it game. The new characters, combined with the new worlds and adventures, make this a fun and interesting game. The problems I outlined make the game frustrating to the point of getting a hammer out to pound the cartridge into tiny pieces. On the other hand, the flaws make you want to keep at a level to prove to yourself that you can beat the game. Whereas the Jedi Alliance was relatively simple to go through, Republic Heroes is not. The logic, strategy, and maneuvers take a little thought, finesse, and patience which younger players might not have. I can see where a previous reviewer's child would become bored with the game - it is difficult to beat a level, especially with all the issues noted above.
If you have time and patience and are into Star Wars and challenges, this game would be a good choice. After you muddle through the game the first time, it's fun to go back and try to figure out how you could have done better given the circumstances. However, I wouldn't recommend it for younger, impatient players (probably less than mid-teens) just because of the difficulty and frustration level of the game.

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Story Star Wars The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes lets Star Wars fans youngand old live out the sweeping galactic adventures of the Clone Wars. Forthe first time ever, players can fight as their favorite Jedi and clonetroopers from the preeminent animated television series – from familiarfaces like Anakin Skywalker to new heroes like Clone Captain Rex. A brand-newstoryline, which bridges the gap between season one and two, takes the playeron a multifaceted adventure to stop a mysterious techno assassin\'s destructiveplot. Built around two-player cooperative action, the accessible controlsand family-friendly gameplay bring Star Wars fans across generations togetherlike never before to fight the evil Separatists and restore peace to thegalaxy. Gameplay Gameplay in Star Wars the Clone Wars: Republic Heroes is mission-based.Players can choose to approach the action as either a Jedi or a cloneclass character. Playing as a Jedi you have access to eight playable characters,and as a clone you play as one of a group of clones. The game was developedwith co-op play in mind, which means players can more or less count onnever fighting alone, which is a good thing considering the hordes ofbattle droids and other enemies you will face. The game also featuresa puzzle-solving gameplay component, as well as an upgrade system basedon the collection of "Force Orbs" scattered throughout the game environment. Weapons and Combat Keeping with the games' user friendly approach, the control scheme hasbeen designed with Jedi character's lightsaber and force powers, as wellas clone characters firing trigger accessible from a single input source.Because of the difference in the character classes weapons, combat differsdepending on the class chosen. Due to their reliance on the their lightsabers,Jedi will mostly engage enemies at close range, although force power attackscan allow for more distance from targets. In addition, utilizing Jedipowers at point blank range players are able to engage in "droidjacking,"which allows a Jedi to take control of a droid's weapons system and otherabilities. On the other hand, clone character combat relies more on firepower,utilizing a variety of blaster type weapons and thermal grenades, althoughclones are able to acquire heavier weapons, such as miniguns and rocketlaunchers as the game progresses. Because of the projectile nature ofthese weapons clone character combat can be fought as a variety of distances. Key Game Features
Experience an all-new and exciting Clone Wars storyline that bridges the gap between season one and two of the TV series as you learn more about the mysterious bounty hunter Cad Bane and hunt down the all-new Skakoan super villain Kul Teska.
Play as your favorite Jedi heroes including Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano, Mace Windu, and Kit Fisto.
Slice and dice your way through Separatist droids with your lightsaber and Force powers and use your agility to perform amazing leaps and navigate levels filled with interactivity.
Turn your enemies into weapons as you commandeer droids and use their unique abilities to blast enemies and solve puzzles as a Jedi.
Be part of an elite clone trooper squad with unique gameplay that puts firepower at your fingertips. Blast droids and unleash devastation with heavy weapons like rocket launchers and thermal detonators as Commander Cody, Captain Rex and all of your favorite clone troopers.
Compete against a friend with in-level challenges for rewards and points to be spent to upgrade your character and unlock bonus items.
Experience an expanded season one story that features intuitive touch-screen gameplay on the Nintendo DS where movement, attacks and other actions are all controlled using the stylus.

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