Star Wars Animated Adventures - Ewoks (The Haunted Village / Tales from the Endor Woods) Review

Star Wars Animated Adventures - Ewoks (The Haunted Village / Tales from the Endor Woods)
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Man, I was really looking forward to this. "Ewoks on DVD? Sweet beans!" Ah, no. Instead of a standard DVD boxed set of the thirty-eight episodes in the series, we get, after years of waiting, a couple of poorly edited episodes stuck together and billed as a "feature film" just a few years after the same stunt was pulled on VHS. Hmmmm . . .
Seriously now: does ANYONE prefer these cobbled-together "movies" with about five separate plots to the ordinary method of NOT BUTCHERING the original episodes and packaging them together by season with the opening theme song and closing credits intact? Maybe if they made both versions available, but NO. We get stuck with the same crap that we can still get on VHS.
And as if this abominable amalgamation wasn't bad enough, they're not even releasing all the episodes in this format. Someone, PLEASE help me wrap my head around this logic. What possible reason can there be for not releasing all of the episodes, especially when half of the ones they are releasing, screwed up though they may be, were just released a few years ago? What is this, some kind of sick mental game? Will they wait until DVDs are obsolete and then start selectively releasing episodes AGAIN?
Come on, Lucasfilm, you're better than this. Almost EVERYBODY ELSE gets this stuff right; why can't you?
Looks like I'll just have to sit back and wait for "next time," whenever that may be.

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