Thumbwars / Thumbtanic Review

Thumbwars / Thumbtanic
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I own these two movies on DVD, and they are wonderful! Never have I laughed so hard in my life. Anyone who is a fan of these should also check out all of the other Thumb Movies, including Bat Thumb, The Godthumb, The Blair Thumb, and Frankenthumb. They are all laugh-out-loud hilarious.

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"Thumb Wars" (1999, 29 min.) - Created by the writer of "The Nutty Professor," "Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls" and "Patch Adams," this hilarious Thumb spoof features reluctant hero Loke Groundrunner and his tasty companion, Princess Bunhead, as they try to stop Black Helmet Man and the Evil Thumbpire from doing really bad things! So hold onto your cuticles, eat your peas and get ready for the first and only all-thumbs space epic. "Thumbtanic" (1999, 27 min.) - Utilizing the latest in Thumbation technology, this is an all-thumb tale of adventure, romance and a large, cold, white object. Join young lovers Jake and Geranium as they fall in love, even though she's kind of bigger than him. It all happens in historically-inaccurate glory on the Thumbtanic. This Thumb Double Feature includes exclusive special appearances by The Thumbersons!

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