Two and a Half Men: The Complete Second Season (2003) Review

Two and a Half Men: The Complete Second Season (2003)
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For a change, Australia is ahead of USA in this release. I've owned this now for a little while, watched the whole season through, and watched it again. I love it as it's one of the best tv comedy shows out there. There are 24 episodes on these disks and this is the way they pan out.
1 - BACK OFF MARY POPPINS - Charlie's male support group includes lots of Hollywood celebrities like Sean Penn and Elvis Costello - but not Alan.
2 - ENJOY THOSE GARLIC BALLS - Alan is jealous that Judith has a new beau ... and delighted that he may be off the hook for alamony.
3 - A BAG FULL OF JAWEA - Teacher's Pet. Trying to be a good uncle, Charlie romances the teacher who threatened to suspend Jake.
4 - GO GET MOMMY'S BRA - What is Evelyn's bra doing in the back seat of Charlies car? The answer is ... uh...unnerving.
5 - BAD NEWS FROM THE CLINIC? - Charlies falls for a female verson of himself. And man, does she make him look miserable.
6 - THE PRICE OF HEALTHY GUMS IS ETERNAL VIGILANCE - Is Alan a Jekyll and Hyde? A childhood shoplifting story has him convinced there's a "bad Alan" inside.
7 - A KOSHER SLAUGHTERHOUSE OUT IN FONTANA - Charlie and Alan's party for Evelyn turns into an affair to remember... for al the wrong reasons.
8 - FRANKENSTEIN AND THE HORNY VILLAGERS - Confusing love and lust, Alan promptly proposes when he dates a woman who's sexually adventurous.
9 - YES, MONSIGNOR - Charlie's old flame Lisa has everything: beauty, wit, intelligence, charm ... and a brand-new baby.
10- THE SALMON UNDER MY SWEATER - Right 'toon, wrong tune. Jake hates Charlie's theme song for the TV version of his favourite comice book.
11- LAST CHANCE TO SEE THOSE TATTOOS - What a tangled worldwide web we weave. Charlie discovers he's the subject of an unflattering website.
12- A LUNGFUL OF ALAN - A homely girl Charlie and Alan knew in high school visits - and the boys are in for a surprise.
13 - ZEJDZ Z MOICH WLOSOW (GET OFF MY HAIR) - First an earthquake, then a real disaster: With her house quake damaged, Judith moves into Charlie's beach pad.
14- THOSE BIG PINK THINGS WITH COCONUT - Aland tells Evelyn she's no longer welcome at the house. But his mother is, as always, a step ahead of him.
15- SMELL THE UMBRELLA STAND - Vegas, baby! Charlie's attempts to leave for Las Vegas keep coming up snake eyes.
16- CAN YOU EAT HUMAN FLESH WITH WOODEN TEETH? - Faced with a sudden IRS audit, Alan needs someone reliable to take care of Jake. Someone like ... Charlie?
17- WOO-HOO, A HERNIA EXAM! - Back attack. When Charlie injures his back, he refuses chiropractic help from Alan.
18- IT WAS "MAME," MOM - Charlie wants to make a good impression at a gay ad exec's party. So he asks Alan to be his 'date'.
19- A LOW GUTTURAL TONGUE-FLAPPING NOISE - Second best? Alan is attracted to a beautiful woman who once had a fling with Charlie.
20- I ALWAYS WANTED A SHAVED MONKEY - Angry at the women in their lives, Charlie and Alan do the mature thing. They turn on each other.
21- A SYMPATHETIC CROTCH TO CRY ON - The death of Evelyn's second husband Harry, affects everyone in the family differently.
22- THAT OLD HOSE BAG IS MY MOTHER - He's traded his sould for a Porsche. That's what Charlie thinks when Alan accepts a car loan from Evelyn.
23- SQUAB, SQUAB, SQUAB, SQUAB, SQUAB - Bad parenting? The guys are wracked with guilt after leaving Jake with Evelyn for an evening.
24- DOES THIS SMELL FUNNY TO YOU? -Poetic license. Jake's "How I Spent My Weekend" report differs somewhat from reality.
This show is so hilarious. Charlie Sheen does a fantastic job of delivering his lines with perfect comic timing and all the cast members are funny too. Holland Taylor as Evelyn is one of the best, and this show doesn't slow down. it's no wonder they're always nominated for awards. I can't wait to see and own the third season. I love this.

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Welcome back to the Harpers' Malibu beach house, home to one of the funniest TV comedy hits in a long, long time. Bachelor Charlie's trying (but not very hard) to remember the name of the girl currently taking a shower upstairs. And Alan, Charlie's divorced, uptight brother, who's proud to have been named the San Fernando Valley's Chiropractor of the Year. And Jake, Alan's 11-year-old son, who's happiest with a juice box in one hand and the TV remote in the other. After a year of living together, the guys have figured out how two and a half men equal one family. Sort of. But there are plenty of hilariously rough spots along the way. And you'll share them all in this 4-disc collection that includes all 24 episodes of the series' smart and sparkling second season.DVD Features:FeaturetteGag Reel

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