Star Trek Fan Collective - Klingon (2001) Review

Star Trek Fan Collective - Klingon (2001)
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This is an excellent collection covering Trek lore about the Klingons from "Enterprise" through to "Voyager". It is missing some key episodes for example the episode from "Enterprise" where we find out how the Klingons lost the bumps on their heads for a long period of time (during the original "Star Trek")and since this is a four disc set it could have been filled out with a few more episodes from "Deep Space Nine". While I'm not disappointed in this set it could have included quite a few more episodes including "Day of the Dove" a classic third season episode of The Original Series.
The episodes for this set are as follows:
Enterprise: Broken Bow. Captain Archer and the new crew of Enterprise are charged with returning a Klingon with information that could avert a war. The Sooliban an alien speices involved with a temporal war has been charged with stopping Archer and killing the Klingon.
Star Trek The Original Series: Errand of Mercy.
Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock are trapped on an alien world of pacificist by invading Klingons where they were trying to convince the aliens to join the Federation. Kirk and Spock use terrorist tactics to try and create a revolt among the aliens not knowing that they have their own agenda.
The Trouble with Tribbles: Klingons show up at a space station where the Enterprise is protecting a grain shipment. The Klingons and the Enterprise crew come into conflict on the station while Kirk has to figure out how to best protect the important grain shipment.
ST: THe Next Generation: A Matter of Honor, Sins of the Father, Redemption Part 1 & 2
These four important Next Gen episode provide us with a unique glimpse into the Klingon mind and universe. Commander Riker serves on a Klingon ship as part of an officer exchange program. When the captain of the Pagh suspects that the Enterprise deliberately infected his ship with a corrosive bacteria he decides to attack Enterprise.
"Sins of the Father": Enterprise receives a Klingon exchange officer who claims to be Worf's brother. He tells Worf that their name is about to shamed and that their deceased father is to be labeled a traitor for the massacre at Khitomer. Worf must turn to Captain Picard to be his advocate with the Klingon High Counsel to save his honor.
"Redemption Parts 1 & 2": Two the best Next Gen episodes featuring the Klingons, this two part episode serves as sequels to "Sins of the Father". Worf's family was discommendated by the Klingon High Counsel. When the new emperor Gowron insists on Federation involvement Picard turns him down he refuses to help restore Worf's family name. Civil War breaks out among the Klingons and Worf elects to serve with Gowron and battle the faction trying to take down Gowron.
Deep Space Nine: "The Way of the Warrior","The Sword of Kahless", "Trials and Tribble-ations". Three strong episodes from DS9 the last one is a whimsical visit to "Star Trek: The Original Series" where the crew of the Defiant must travel back in time to stop a Klingon saboteur from changing history in the episode "The Trouble with Tribbles".Star Trek Voyager: "Barge of the Dead". When Torres is injured in a shuttle accident she finds herself on the Barge of the Dead traveling to Gre'thor or Klingon Hell where the dishonored souls go.
I suspect we'll have the usual assortment of text commentary from Michael and Denise Okuda. I wouldn't expect any audio commentaries on this set however. The package design featuring a prominet picture of Worf is similar to the other fan collectives that have been released. The "Enterprise" episodes are in widescreen, the others are all full screen releases. The image quality will reflect the individual sets these are drawn from as Paramount is using the same transfers as the boxed sets.

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Star Trek Fans voted online for their favorite Klingon episodes form the Star Trek television series, which resulted in Star Trek: Fan Collective - Klingon. Get ready for brilliant battles, thrilling adventure and pulse-pounding action when the federation encounters its arch nemesis - the Klingon.

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