Star Trek - The Original Series, Vol. 12, Episodes 23 & 24: A Taste of Armageddon/ Space Seed (1966) Review

Star Trek - The Original Series, Vol. 12, Episodes 23 and 24: A Taste of Armageddon/ Space Seed (1966)
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One of the real treats about Parmount releasing two episodes of Star Trek per DVD is that the entire series was so good you're guaranteed of at least getting one good episode. But on rare occasion, the unthinkable happens--you get not only two good episodes, but two GREAT episodes on one offering. Such is the case with this Trek DVD.
Both episodes are classics and they both look stunning being remastered.
Of course, Space Seed is probably the most famous episode on the set, namely because it features the first appearance of Khan. The episode itself is what classic Trek is all about--suspense, drama, great characters, well-written dialogue and some nice action. Ricardo Montelban delivers a great performance as the arrogant, superman Khan and Shanter plays off him point for point. And, of course, this episode features one of the all-time great Star Trek bloopers of all time (watch DeForest Kelly's reaction very closely when Khan is first coming out of stasis and Shanter knocks his prop off his belt). Space Seed is simply marvelous--one of the top ten episodes of all time.
Ranking right up there with it is the superb and underrated A Taste of Armageddon. Kirk and company are sent to make contact with a society that fights their war by computers with "casualties" being tallied and herded into disentegration chambers. No sooner have Kirk and Spock beamed down then the Enterprise is declared a war casualty, a set of events that does not agree with Kirk. Kirk must then spend the rest of the episode upping the stakes to save his ship and to stop the war. (Prime directive you ask? We don't need to steeenkin' prime directive!) It's an episode that features the theme of Kirk vs. computer (though not as much as Return of the Archons or the Ultimate Computer) and it also features the recurring theme that if you rank above Kirk most chances are you're either an idiot or gone mad. In this case, it's the Federation ambassador who can't see beyond his limited range and almost gets red-shirted for it. It's a great episode that is still exciting and entertaining to watch today and is certainly looks spectacular on DVD.
These are two superb episodes...and they've never looked better. Episodes like these are why classic Trek has endured to this day. And like great wine, it gets better and better with age.

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