Star Wars Battlefront II Review

Star Wars Battlefront II
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Well these things have been said over and over so I will spare the you the repititious "this is the sequel to the best selling star wars game" stuff that everyone feels so necassary to include in their reviews.
Instead let us get down to this game itself and not the series history as I'm sure many of you are well aware of.
Battlefront 2 is an epic title from the explosive opening to the "oh whys it have to be over" finish. Any fan of the first game will undoubtebly love this game, especially on xbox. Seriously, what fan of BF1 wouldn't get excited over 4 player split screen. thats my favorite addition for sure as I have many Battlefront buddies. The fact you can now play as jedi and sith is a brilliant addition and it works great. I loved the Episode III game for its playable jedi and awesome lightsaber action. I gotta say though, BF2 does the whole jedi thing much better. Now I'm not raggin on ROTS, I gave it 5 stars. But really, the addition of lightsaber weilding characters is not just a cheap gimick. Its done very well. Space combat is another great addition to the BF universe. And although its recieved tons of hype, it doesnt need a whole lot of explaining. you fight in space battles now such as the ones from episode 3 and 5. Its all great and feels like rogue squadron did on the n64...awesome. There is a storyline but seriously Im more into the action than a storyline. For some this will seem to be a big plus, and justifiably so, the story is handled very nicley too.
Graphicly BF2 is all that it can be on the xbox...wonderful. I liked BF1's graphics alot, and these are so much better. All the new weapons, ships, planets, characters, their all here, in mass proportion. This is truly the complete Star Wars action game. You've got Naboo, Tatoinne, Coruscant, Utapu, Fellucia, Mustafar, Dahgoba, may more. Play as Boba and Jango Fett, Obi-Wan, Mace, Anakin, Vader, Yoda, many more, including the trechorous bothan spy. You must get this game if your a fan of Star Wars or just searching for a great action title.
I hope this review was helpful to you and I gaurentee if you like Star Wars you will love this game.

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Star Wars Battlefront II adds all-new space combat, playable Jedi characters, and never-before-seen environments straight out of Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. Fans of the original Star Wars Battlefront will also enjoy an all-new single-player experience that takes players through an epic, story-based saga centering on Darth Vader's elite 501st Legion of Stormtroopers where every action the player takes impacts the battlefront and, ultimately, the fate of the Star Wars galaxy. The game features an all-new single-player experience that takes players through an epic, story-based saga where every action the player takes impacts the battlefront and, ultimately, the fate of the Star Wars galaxy. The sequel features improved flight control, complex space combat that allows players to board enemy capital ships and battle to take over flying command posts or sabotage the ship to be used against the other faction, increased total online player numbers, and memorable multiplayer encounters in 12 new locations.All-new classic trilogy locations including the Death Star interior, classic space battles and the fight aboard the Tantive IV, Princess Leia's blockade runner Online Play capable (monthly fee may be required)

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