Star Wars Bounty Hunter Review

Star Wars Bounty Hunter
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This was the second game I ever got for PS2 and I just love it. I still go back to it after several years for nothing more than the thrills and good times it has to offer. Bounty Hunter isn't perfect but it is one of the better Star Wars games I've played and its a great third person shooter. I remember how much the graphics, cutscenes, effects, sound, and dialog blew me away a couple years ago and all I can do today is appreciate all these things more. Every time I play the game (I've played it a lot) I find new things to mess around with, whether it be small rodent creatures to blast or secret areas containing heavy weapons. The worlds are immerse with detail and most are actually almost beautiful. The explosions and laser blasts that fill the levels all look great, as do the characters, who's lypsyncing and motions are excellently executed. The action gameplay is fast paced with a very high frame rate. The sound design sounds as though it was taken directly from a Star Wars film. And most of all, the story is very entertaining, from your first encounter with the villanous scum Meeko, to your stealing of Slave 1 from an astroid prision, to meeting Tyranus. The story takes you all around the galaxy and be prepared to meet up with some familiar characters such as Zam Weesel. Many have complained about the game's repetetivness and lousy camera and I will admit that the camera tends to work a little strangly at times, but it certainly can be controled and is not something to get all worked up over. Bounty Hunter's action has never boared me and I find it's controls to be intruative and easy to use. Star Wars Bounty Huter is an excellent game with high production values and many good things going for it, I truely hope Lucas Arts releases a sequel for it because it is one of the best games I have ever played. Thanks for reading.

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In Star Wars: Bounty Hunter you'll learn the story of how Jango Fett was chosen as the template for the Clone Army, while you go on the deadliest bounty hunter missions!

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