Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Review

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
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Again I'm given the difficult task of reviewing a game of mixed renown. In the case of Star Wars Unleashed it is safe to say it did well with its' fan base selling millions of copies but was received with lukewarm scrutiny by the critics. Because of this I did not know quite what to expect. Having just beat the game all I can say is it delivered the goods I expected and was in no way a disappointment. Like many other games that belong to the action platform genre it is a blast while playing but despite the fun you are having it ends too abruptly.
If there is a single crime Force Unleashed is guilty of it is that in some ways it is akin to playing God of War with a light saber. Finishing off bosses or large foes requires button mash mini games. Most are easy enough with the hardest one requiring the player to pull a Star Destroyer from the sky as Tie fighters attack mercilessly. As you swathe your way through storm troopers, rebels, aliens, and walkers you collect points from slain foes which eventually make you "level up" so you can improve force powers or buy brand new ones. There are many epic feats Star killer can do and luckily enough a few special attacks such as "lightning bomb" are brand new to the franchise.
Most surprising is the story line is top notch. Side characters such as the beautiful and resourceful Imperial pilot Eclipse and Proxy the friendly yet psychotic droid are oddly endearing. The voice acting is delivered wonderfully as you would expect from a Lucas arts title. In some ways the plot pulled me in just as much as the one in Knights of the old republic though Force Unleashed should not be mistaken for an rpg.
The only thing Force Unleashed can be faulted for is that you visit some worlds twice. Felucia and Kashyk come to mind immediately though I'm happy to say that the lay out drastically changes for each visit. The environments can be truly breathtaking and I was very impressed by the graphics as a whole.
In my whole time playing I can only think of one glitch. When I fought Vader the second time our life bars froze. Pretty much we were both invincible so I had to start my battle over with him upon resetting my 360. I was glad the same glitch did not happen twice. I should mention though the load times are slow the auto save points are put in good places so rest assured dying does not require you restart the whole level.
On account this is the Ultimate Sith edition you are also getting the Jedi temple, Tattoine, and Hoth levels. Two of these missions extend an alternate history in which Star Killer becomes the new Darth Vader. The Jedi Temple was exclusive to the ps2 version until now.
How worth while this game is depends on two factors. If you've already beaten Force Unleashed I'm hesitant to say if the 3 hours of extra content will be worth it for you. Secondly be forewarned this is a Star Wars game from the action plat former mold thus you can likely beat it in one or two nights if you have nothing better to do.
If however you want to know how The Rebellion got started and be put in the shoes of one of the most epic Jedi/Sith rear kickers of all time Force Unleashed Ultimate Sith edition is a steal at the present asking price!
+ A plot of romance, betrayal, redemption, and conspiracies delivered with flair and passion.
+ Beautiful breath-taking visuals
+Mostly fluid combat and varied ways of using Force powers
+Game does not penalize you for failing real time event button combinations on the lowest difficulty
+Some of the best voice acting I've heard in awhile
-It is difficult to lock onto what you want sometimes to target objects or foes with your Jedi abilities.
-The sound track is not bad per se but we've all heard these same tired musical scores thousands of times by now.
-The game is not completely absent of glitches.
-Can be beaten quickly
- If you've already beaten the original I cannot in good conscious suggest you trudge through the Ultimate edition for a measly 3 additional hours of play on the special disc that includes the bonus levels. Only the Hoth mission is exclusive. The others can be purchased on Xbox live as downloadable content.
Ending Thoughts: It is hard for me to describe exactly how I feel about Force Unleashed Ultimate Sith Edition. Most complaints I could level at it would also have to be taken up with other games from the action genre. While it doesn't do anything new it does it very well.
Certain people will have a beef with Unleashed merely on account it uses the Star Wars license. Many reviewers are prone to attack a title if it some how connects with a movie or popular franchise. Force Unleashed shamefully draws both those cards.
Yet I never witnessed an instance this game lied about what it was. For those of us that wanted a game similar to Devil may cry or God of war with Jedi, Sith, and Storm trooper it is a dream come true. Had Unleashed been an rpg I would have complained about its' short span. However safe to say most of us know the appeal of this romp is throwing around hapless unfortunate souls with our minds right before we electrocute them with force lightning! On that raw visceral level Unleashed succeeds while offering a memorable tale to boot!

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Star Wars The Force Unleashed: Ultimate Sith Edition is a stand alone, third-person action game that continues the story and action of the original Star Wars The Force Unleashed game. The game contains the original Force Unleashed content and storyline, as well as three additional levels, one of which is completely exclusive to the Ultimate Sith Edition. The game also includes an art book, new costumes, character skins, data banks and more.

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