Hardware Wars 30th Anniversary Collector's Edition (1977) Review

Hardware Wars 30th Anniversary Collector's Edition (1977)
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My review is specifically about the "Special Edition" of "Hardware Wars." I was thrilled to see a video release of HW, as I have been a fan of the short since its original release (HBO used to show it a lot way back when. I made a tape of it years ago, but lost it). But I was apprehensive when I saw that this version was a digitally enhanced "Special Edition." Sure enough, when the video arrived, it carried a sticker on the case, reading: "Warning: This edition has been created without the approval or consent of Eddie Fossellius." I'm just guessing, but I figured that Fossellius, the director of the original HW, didn't care to have his short film "enhanced," regardless of the satirical intent. The folks who put together this "Special Edition" make a valiant effort to use HW as a way to satirize Luca's digitally enhanced Star Wars Special Edition Trilogy. Unfortunately, the satire doesn't work, and, in some cases, the digital enhancements even spoil the jokes of the original short film. Ironically some of the satire falls flat because the digital effects are too good. In a short that is celebrated for its intentional cheesiness, this is a major error. Another major problem, I think, is one of reference. For a lot of younger viewers, this will be their first exposure to HW, so a lot of the attempted parody of the HW "Special Edition" will be lost on them. I really think it would have helped the humor of the "Special Edition" if the distributors had included the original, untouched version of HW at the beginning of the tape. To be fair, there are a couple of funny original bits before and after the film, but they don't make up for the lost opportunities on the film itself. If you're a fan of HW looking to own a pristine copy of the original film, as I was, you'll probably be less than satisfied, as I was, with this "enhanced" version.

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Apprehensive Films proudly presents, in association with Cult Radio A-Go-Go, the 30th Anniversary Special Edition DVD of Hardware Wars. Follow the adventures of Fluke Starbucker, Arty Deco, Ham Salad and the rest of the Red Eye Knights in this spectacle that was light years ahead of it's time. This is the original Star Wars parody! Before the Robot Chicken Parody, Before the Family Guy Parody... Way Way Before. This DVD includes over an hour of great content including the Original Uncut Film with newly restored wires and strings, Director's Commentary, Creature Features Interviews with Bob Wilkins and much much more.This edition is fully approved by and licensed from writer-director Ernie Fosselius.

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