Star Wars Galaxies: The Complete Online Adventures Review

Star Wars Galaxies: The Complete Online Adventures
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Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided
*Sigh* Where to begin...
This game could be better named:
"Star Wars Galaxies: A Development Team Vs. A Player base".
Never in all my life, have I seen a company alienate so many people in pursuit of the almighty dollar. It's truly sickening. I WAS a 20-month veteran of the game, I had been playing since week one. PLEASE, READ ON...
In the beginning...
This game was alright; it was fun, it was unique, and it was totally bug-ridden and unbalanced. Over the course of the last 20 months, the SOE Dev team have made us promise after promise to do certain things to fix and enhance this game. They in fact did very little, if anything at all. They milked us. They exploited the "Star Wars" name to make a buck. They made promise after promise after promise... and never delivered squat. Don't believe me? Just ask any "Smuggler" in the game for their opinion.
They strung us along and led us to believe that the "fixes" to the game were right around the corner! Instead, they were hard at work on an "Expansion Pack" to sell us! And then once again "promised us" that the fixes we've all been waiting for were the next big thing waiting for us, "just hang on, this game is going to be great!" They promised us that they were going to do this "Combat Upgrade" and do it right, and it "wouldn't be released until it's ready!"
We all had a lot of hope, we thought that they had finally figure out that they had totally screwed up and were trying to make amends with a player base on the brink of total collapse. God, how wrong we all were...
Well, much to everyone's surprise, they made the announcement that the long awaited "CU" would be coming out along with the "Rage of the Wookiees" expansion pack! Uhhhmmm... did I miss something somewhere? The alpha test for the "CU" was supposed to begin in January, it never happened. Beta testing began in April, 4 whole weeks before it was supposed to go to live! We all rolled up our sleeves and dove in. I think after the first week or so, the sad realization of what was happening to our game begun to sink in...
The CU was supposed to go live on May 5th. SOE decided to push it to live a whole 2 weeks sooner than that. Honestly, with all the bugs that were still in beta, and then in live, beta could have gone on another 4-6 months! I guess they figured they could milk us all a little more and dump this beta on the live servers and let us pay to test it. Why am I not surprised?
The CU itself is unplayable. It has become Everquest in space, or "EverStar Galaxies QuestWars" as we call it. There are just too many things to list. There are a lot of other more technical reviews which go into much more detail over on the page for the stand-alone game.
As you all can imagine, the player community was totally enraged! We went to the SWG Forum boards to voice our concerns. The only response we ever got back from SOE was THOUSANDS of deleted threads and players banned from the forums (I was one of them). Facing futility, a large portion of the player base has left the game, permanently this time.
Then 6 whole months later, after they finally figured out that the CU did indeed suck, they let loose the NGE. They released it just two days after releasing the Obi-Wan expansion which had "special items" for classes that were about to disappear. 32 professions reduced to 9. The NGE is the final nails in the coffin of this game. It totally destroyed it. It became some sort of a twisted MMO/FPS wannabe. Fake and cartoony and dumbed down to where a 5 year old could figure out how to mash the buttons. It is so bad that even Smedly himself said that it wasn't good. And a recent developer conference in Austin the quote was "learn from our mistakes". It's widly rumored that the game will be "sunset" soon (they're gonna pull the plug on it). This "Complete" (I'm feeling sick here) edition is their last ditch effort to milk a little more cash out of it before it's all over.This is just not how you do business. I personally will NEVER deal with Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) EVER again. I DO NOT pay MY HARD EARNED MONEY to be lied to, deceived, ignored, strung along, censored, and banned for voicing my concerns. I do not pay money to folks who treat me, a PAYING CUSTOMER, in this fashion.
Star Wars Galaxies is dead. Servers are empty. People have moved on to other games where folks know how to appreciate their patrons. If you are a fan of Star Wars, and this is the only reason I ever started playing this game to begin with, you will be sadly disappointed!
SWG is nothing more than an exploit of a title, a milk machine. I for one, am tired of being milked.

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Be the hero of your own Star Wars adventures in a galaxy far, far away.Star Wars Galaxies: The Complete Online Adventures includes Star Wars Galaxies and all of the game’s expansions, including An Empire Divided, Jump to Lightspeed, Rage of the Wookiees, and Trials of Obi-Wan, along with all of the regularly updated "Chapter” adventures that are downloaded regularly to your PC. The Complete Online Adventures is the most inclusive and immersive Star Wars Galaxies experience ever introduced.Includes hundreds of hours of game play.Players of all levels can jump into exciting adventures 24/7 and travel to legendary Star Wars locations with iconic characters.Along the way, players can join with others on missions that take them across the galaxy fighting with the Galactic Empire or the Rebel Faction.Getting started is easy – The Complete Online Adventures is all you need!

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