Star Wars Galaxies: The Total Experience Review

Star Wars Galaxies: The Total Experience
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Quite possibly the very best idea for a MMORPG, and also, quite possibly the very worse execution as well. The idea of an online game set in the Star Wars Universe was definitely the most enticing game idea I had ever seen. I actually had to buy a whole new computer to play it two years ago.
This game has, or to say, had dozens of new innovative ideas. It was the first MMORPG to use a skill system, instead of a level system, since I had played UO. It had the greatest crafting system I had ever seen in any game. It was also the first online game I know to include professions specifically aimed towards casual gamers. Players could choose to be Dancers or Musicians. You could place your own houses all over huge sandbox style planets.
Most of things were flawed, and had issues with something being too strong, or not strong enough. For the longest time the game's developers tried unsuccessfully to balance and fix the flaws with the game. A great deal or progress was made in the twenty-two months since the game's launch, but evidentially not enough. The developers created a patch called the "Combat Upgrade" or CU for short.
The combat upgrade fundamentally traded a very flawed, though original and innovative combat system, for a very flawed bland overused combat system. The upgrade switched from a skill based system, to the overly used level system that so many other games have. A unique armor system that involved different damages and certain enemies and armories having certain protections and vulnerabilities was replaced with simply all armor having very similar protections to everything, as well as every enemy having the exact same protections now as well.
Though it was named the Combat Upgrade, this change greatly effected all the non-combative professions as well. Medical professions lost the ability to craft their own medicines, and now simply heal without them. (much like priests or clerics in other games) They may only heal in combat now, if they wish to advance through their profession. Crafting has been made much more simple, and weapons and armor now all very similar stats, and the difference between an exceptional craftsman and a inexperienced one is now very little.
As for it being Star Wars, it's more like Everquest with Star Wars names and characters pasted over it now. The game is set between Episodes IV and V and yet there are dozens of Jedi running around. Ithorians, a pacifist race according to the Star Wars Canon, have 3 suits of exclusive battle armor and can learn just as many destructive skills as other races. The rebels in the game are never hiding and always very much out in the open.
To be a Jedi in the game you must travel a very long, boring, and tedious path full of time sinks and tons of grinding. If you become a Jedi, all that remains is to continue grinding to learn new Jedi skills. They only way to gain XP as a Jedi, good or bad, is to simply kill things over and over again with a lightsaber. Jedi in Star Wars Galaxies is simply another combat profession with different weapons. After you reach Jedi there are no quests or missions for you, at least none that a Non-Jedi could do.
The Total Experience is priced extremely cheap for the reason this game isn't worth much anymore. Both the expansions mostly eye candy and offer little replay value. Jump to Light speed adds a player's chance to fly in space and fight other starships. However space combat is very redundant and the quests and missions for space are all very much the same. NPC ships only tactic seems to be fly circles around you and make you chase them until you get off enough hits to kill them. Rage of the Wookiees added the Wookiee homeworld. However, unlike the other ten planets in the game, which were massive sandbox styles maps that could take a great deal of time to explore, Kashyyyk is simply a large themepark to amuse players. You're limited to trails which lead to instanced dungeons, there's very little to explore. The quests on Kashyyyk are simple quests that offer novelty items from the movies. Such as a suit of Clone Trooper Armor, or a picture of General Grievous.
I've been playing since the game's launch late in June of 2003, and have been playing it regularly since. The developers at Sony Online Entertainment have constantly ignored concerns and requests from the player base, and continue to make horrible decisions based on things they never explain to it's loyal customers. The most recent change to the game as left me with no friends left to play with, and can't even find a reason to log on anymore. SOE seems to not only know nothing about Star Wars, but also nothing about managing a Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game as well. If you like Star Wars I'd recommend Knights of the Old Republic, Battlegrounds, or Episode III. If you like online games you might want to try City of Heroes or World of Warcraft. But even if you like both Star Wars and Online games, I wouldn't recommend this game to you.

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Star Wars Galaxies: The Total Experience collects 3 incredible Star Wars games into one awesome and affordable package. You are thrown into a time of galactic civil war, with the Empire at its height and the Rebellion growing. Join thousands of adventurers seeking to overthrow the Empire, as you go online and explore more than 10 persistent Star Wars worlds. Battle stormtroopers, hang out in the Mos Eisley cantina, and interact with famous characters like Han Solo. You define your own role within the galactic community. Whether you become a smuggler or trader, marksman or bounty hunter, Star Wars Galaxies is your destiny. Collects Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided, Star Wars Galaxies: Jump to Lightspeed and Star Wars Galaxies: Episode III Rage of the Wookiees.Encounter and interact with famous Star Wars characters, including Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader Build and own everything from droids to property Define your own role in the galaxy; become bounty hunters, merchant, smugglers, Jedi and more

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