War of the Planets/War of the Robots Review

War of the Planets/War of the Robots
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Every week, my son and I have "bad movie" night, and this particular night was spent watching, "War Of The Planets." It is unknown to me what the other reviewers were expecting when they bought and viewed this Italian "epic" but with the general tone of disappointment, I'd say they expected waaaay too much.
We sat there for the 90 minutes enjoying one of the worst movies ever made. Furthermore, we EXPECTED it to be bad and not the second coming of 2001: A Space Odyssey! Probably the funniest thing about this so-called movie is the fact that the makers of this film probably thought they had a hit on their hands, since it came out around the same time as Star Wars. Well, obviously this flick is terrible to the point of being rediculous and, not surprisingly ended up being a dud.
My adviced to you is simple: for one night, go ahead and pretend you're dumb, put in this dvd, and enjoy some of the best bad film making ever to hit no one's screen!

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